Bonnie Batchler

Bonnie Batchler is a member of the Board of County Commissioners, having served as President in 2022 and 2023. She became a member of the Board of County Commissioners in January 2021. She had served as a Pierce Township trustee starting in 2000. She currently serves on the Local Emergency Planning Committee and the Board of Revision Investment Advisory Committee.

Batchler is a long-term resident of Clermont County, including nearly four decades as a resident of Pierce Township. In 1981, she embarked on a 14-year stint as the EMS Chief of the Pierce Township Volunteer Fire Department.  In between terms as a trustee, she also served on the Pierce Township Board of Zoning Appeals.

The past eight years, Batchler served as President of the Clermont County Township Association. She also serves on the Board of Directors for Clermont County Community Services and the Senior Service Housing Board and is a member of the Clermont County Law Enforcement Appreciation Selection Committee and a member of the Ohio Public Works Commission grant committee.

Batchler retired as a Senior Credit Analyst from Senco Products after working there for 36 years. In 2009 she graduated from the Clermont 20/20 Leadership Program.

Contact Commissioner Batchler at 513-732-7300 or by email at