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There are a number of opportunities to get involved with County government, including participating on a committee or board. The Commissioners are responsible for appointments to various committees and boards. We encourage you to apply!
Learn more about the responsibilities of these boards and committees:
Airport Zoning Board of Appeals, Flood Damage Prevention Appeals Board, and Water Management and Sediment Control Regulations Board of Appeals
- Purpose: Clermont County has a single board that hears and acts on appeals to the regulations that govern airport zoning, water management and sediment control, and flood damage reduction regulations. The appeals board membership includes one engineer (registered in the State of Ohio), one surveyor (registered in the State of Ohio), one developer/real estate professional, and two members from the professional community (preferably with knowledge in the construction field or an attorney admitted to the Ohio Bar). For more information on airport zoning, visit; for waste management, visit; for flood damage reduction, visit
- Meetings: When an appeal or variance request is received
- Term: 3 years (with a maximum of 2 consecutive terms)
Board of Building Appeals
- Purpose: This board hears and decide appeals to the requirements of the Residential Code of Ohio for One, Two, and Three Family Dwellings, the application of the requirements of this code and/or orders issued by the Building Official. The membership includes one architect or professional engineer (registered in the State of Ohio), one production builder, one custom builder, one mechanical or electrical contractor, and one additional builder or supplier of building materials. The Residential Code of Ohio for One, Two and Three Family Dwellings can be found at
- Meetings: The committee meets when an appeal or variance request is received.
- Length of Term: 5 years (with a maximum of two consecutive terms)
Board of Developmental Disabilities
- Purpose: This board advises the DD administrator on various issues involving individuals with developmental disabilities.
- Meetings: The fourth Thursday of every month; no meetings in July and November
Term: Contract, as determined by the board.
Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Trustees
- Purpose: This board promotes tourism in Clermont County.
- Meetings: Monthly
- Term: 3 years
Family Services Planning Committee
- Purpose: This committee serves as an advisory body with regard to family services provided in the County.
- Meetings: 9-11 a.m. the second Monday of even months.
- Term: 2 years
Housing Advisory Committee
- Purpose: This committee provides the Board of Commissioners with a prioritized listing of specific housing needs and opportunities concerning the Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP) and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) formula allocation program funding. It offers guidance on policies to address these needs and opportunities.
- Meetings: As needed
- Term: 1 year
Clermont Law Library
- Purpose: This board is responsible for the oversight of the operations of the Law Library, which include providing legal research, reference, and library services to the county and to municipal corporations, townships and courts within the county and manages the coordination, acquisition, and utilization of legal resources. A basic knowledge of libraries and the law is beneficial. It is preferable, but not required, that the board member be a lawyer.
- Meetings: Four times a year
- Term: 5 years
Local Emergency Planning Committee
- Purpose: The LEPC is an all-hazard emergency preparedness committee that recommends and monitors the establishment of emergency preparedness plans to coordinate countywide preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation activities prior to and following a natural, accidental, or human-caused disaster.
- Meetings: 1:30 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of January, April, and September, and the third Thursday of July.
- Term: 2 Years
Mental Health and Recovery Board
- Purpose: This board serves as the planning authority for Clermont County for mental health and addiction prevention and treatment services. It must assess needs, enter into contracts with agencies to provide funding for the services determined to be needed in the community, and review and evaluate those services. The board must also hire and evaluate the executive director of the agency.
- Meetings: 7 p.m. on second Monday of each month
- Term: 4 years
Metropolitan Housing Authority Board
- Purpose: This board establishes policies and budgets for the Authority, and monitors the Authority’s finances.
- Meetings: 9 a.m., fourth Monday of each month.
- Term: 5 years
Planning Commission
- Purpose: The duties of this commission include the development, updates, application, and enforcement of the Clermont County Subdivision Regulations, recommendations to various township zoning authorities (pertaining to changes in their local zoning resolutions and district map), and other land use planning initiatives. For additional information visit the Web site
- Meetings: The commission meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
- Term: 3 years (no more than 2 consecutive terms)
Port Authority
- Purpose: Established by the County Commissioners, the Port Authority is a tool to facilitate economic development in Clermont County.
- Meetings: Quarterly
- Terms: 4 years
Public Defender Commission
- Purpose: This commission appoints the Clermont County Public Defender and oversees the operation of the office.
- Meetings: Quarterly
- Term: 4 years
Public Library Board of Trustees
- Purpose: This board is responsible for the budget, hiring the library director and fiscal officer, and oversight of all policies governing the 10 branches that make up the public library system in Clermont County.
- Meetings: The third Monday of the month at the Miami Township Branch Library unless otherwise stated.
- Term: 7 years
Septic System Rehabilitation Financing Committee
- Purpose: This committee oversees the financing of the Septic System Rehabilitation Financing Program that assists low-income households in the repair or replacement of malfunctioning on-site sewage systems.
- Meetings: The committee meets once a year in March or April with special meetings as needed.
- Term: 1 year
Workforce Investment Board/Butler-Clermont-Warren
- Purpose: This board sets the vision, policy direction, and performance expectations for the regional workforce development system.
- Meetings: The board meets every three months; sub-committees meet monthly. Times and dates vary.
Term: 2 years (business representative) and 1 year (non-business representative)
OneOhio Board of Directors
- Purpose: The Board shall make regional decisions under The OneOhio MOU, including representation on the OneOhio Recovery Foundation, Inc. and selection of projects to be funded from the region’s Regional Share of Opioid Funds.
- Meetings: The Board’s regular meetings shall be held on the last Wednesday of April and the last Wednesday of October each year. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President, or by any three members by written request to the President.
- Term: 2 years
Clermont County Transportation Improvement District
- Purpose: The purpose of this board is to plan, construct and improve highways, bridges and interchanges and accompanying capital improvements and developments throughout Clermont County and its surrounding counties.
- Meetings: Monthly
- Term: 2 years